Monday, October 25, 2010

Mrs. Archambault's "Box Town"

Mrs. Archambault's first grade class made a town out of boxes.  They are studying communities and what goods and services are needed in a community.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nashoba High School Football in the News!

This Friday, October 8th, Nashoba will be featured on Fox News as the game  of the week.  Here is a link to preview they ran on Tuesday night.

Nashoba Football on Fox News

Friday, October 1, 2010

Last Update from Nature's Classroom

From Ms. Rich:  Last night the students participated in Thursday Night Live skits and roasted marshmallows. Everyone enjoyed the last quiet sing and did an unbelievable job packing and getting ready to go home.

Now the kids are off for their last field group adventure. We will have an early lunch and will be heading home around noon. The rain is holding out and its been good weather today.

We will be in touch when we are about an hour away from school.