Thursday, September 30, 2010

Nature's Classroom - Thursday 9/30

Morning update from Ms. Rich:
The kids enjoyed their Night Hike last night. They traveled into the woods with their field group leaders to do "cool stuff" according to the kids. They learned about the stars, cones and rods in their eyes, and discovered if you chew wintergreen mints with your mouth open you can see sparks!!

This morning the kids are going to be heading to breakfast soon-- pancakes yum! Then they will be playing an enormous game of predator vs. prey!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday Nature's Classroom Update

From Ms. Rich:
The kids are participating in a simulation game called alpha beta this afternoon. Each field group is creating their own civilization.

The weather is sunny and beautiful today!!

Kids had a great time during their hikes this morning-- everyone came back wet from the beach and marsh!

Tonight we are going on a Night Hike and doing cool outdoor nighttime experiments.

Nature's Classroom Update 9/29 8:44am

The students had a good night on Tuesday.  They did team building activities and challenges.  Wednesday is a long field day. They will go on a hike to the marsh and beach.  The students will have a picnic lunch on their hike.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Nature's Classroom Update 9/28 12:14

I have just heard from the Nature's Classroom trip and all is going well.  Ms. Rich texted me, "Kids just got back from getting muddy in the marsh. They are having a blast! We are heading to lunch & then they have classes this afternoon."

21st Century Skills

The two links below deal with what the world will look like for our children when they graduate from school.  The amount and pace of change is increasing all the time.  A focus for the Nashoba Regional School District and for the Mary Rowlandson Elementary School is to provide our students with solid underlying skills, such as reading, mathematics and social skills,  as well as using 21st Century skills of technology, collaboration and critical thinking.

Did You Know? 3.0

Did You Know? 4.0